
Minggu, 15 November 2015

Daily Transaction History

Before give updates, I would like to thank once again to all of you who has sent the donation to us! It was indeed a helping hands for us. We all know that there are so many needy children in Indonesia, and we are just very small part of it. Our sacrifice is nothing compared to the ones that is still untouched in the middle of the jungle, Papua, Borneo (Kalimantan), and every part of Indonesia. Yet we are in the island full of facility in the big cities, they still fighting for education.

Today, from the rest of the donated money which was IDR 450,000.00, we have ordered a books to be sent to the location in Cirebon. You may wonder why we sent money, but aside from it we also buy books. The answer simply because they don’t have access to bookstore. Their place is just too far away from the nearest city. Nearest city, doesn’t mean also they have a good bookstore around. So to make it equal (with the one living in the city), we bought books to them.

The transaction was finished with amount of IDR 452,151.00. I’ve added the remaining IDR 2,151.00. So, here we are…

Ref Product Amt. Price Total
item (tax included) Rp‎416.070
Delivery (tax incl.) Rp‎36.081
Total Rp‎452.151

Since our friend IWAN KURNIAWAN in the location is also a teacher, sometimes he worked as a private free tutor at home for these kids, 2 of the books I’ve ordered is for National Exam (Ujian Nasional) both for Elementary (Primary / SD) and Mid school (Secondary / SMP). I hope all of this will worth reading for them!

Let us wait, the book should be there by Thursday next week. -

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