
Senin, 25 Desember 2023

December 2023: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month (December 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family

Happy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Brace yourself as a mountain of joy, peace, and love is heading towards all of you!๐Ÿ˜ŠWelcome back to our monthly update! How have you been? I hope all of you are in good shape. Today, I would like to share one of our happiness which is that the three children have received our school assistance got their monthly money!

Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month (December 2023) is IDR 300,000 with an additional IDR 100,000 to assist her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Last Friday, my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that Suci, Uun, and Novi came to her house and received their monthly assistance. I am happy to see they came together and I could see that they were in good shape which made me relief as you know, the cases of COVID-19 recently have increased in Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. And Riche mentioned this time it was kinda late to distribute the money as she went on vacation. For me, it is not a big issue at all. Everybody needs to take a leave and spend time with family. Maybe only me who has always been busy with studying, and has never gone anywhere... just last Friday evening I went out with some friends. It was my friend's idea as she knew I felt stressed so she asked me to go out. And I was happy that day as I also shared my happiness by giving my friends a pack of chocolate. Yeah, I used to exchange snacks/ foods each festive season with my neighbors in Singapore. If you are following my another blog, you easily notice it because I wrote those happiness on it. So, as now I am in Belgium I still bring the culture that I learned in Singapore.๐Ÿคฉ

Ichikraft's school assistance for this month has been distributed at Riche's house on 22nd December 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance for this month (December 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house on 22nd December 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Alright, this month Novi got school assistance IDR 300,000  and IDR 100,000 to support her family. While Uun and Suci, each received IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 each to support their families. I do really hope they have never given up on what they want for their future. I hope they have some courage to keep moving forward, working hard, and keeping strong no matter what happens. Because I believe that education is the key to getting a better life in the future. Just last Tuesday I had a presentation with my group about capital and the conclusion that microcredit has a positive impact on profit (not significant) and no influence on consumption. Then my Professor asked what policies to change that. Well, the only thing in my mind was education, giving people who live in poverty (take microcredit) education such as skill set training, or training program along with the loan in order to increase the profit and eventually lift up their living standard (increase consumption) and go to school. If you remember, my last article mentioned that I want to give training programs for poor people so they would obtain skills. Of course, the goal is to break the cycle of poverty. I know it is not easy it could take years for me to make it happen, therefore I keep studying because I want to go beyond just working. So, my hope in this project by giving school assistance, these children will be able to hold at least a high school certificate so they can get a job after graduation. If they still have a desire to upgrade their education level, they can save some money and go to university. And the starting point is to bring them up until high school.

Ichikraft's school assistance for this month has been distributed at Riche's house on 22nd December 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you Riche for has always helped me to distribute school assistance money monthly. And many thanks to all of you who read our article!๐Ÿ™‚ 

Ichikraft's school assistance for this month has been distributed at Riche's house on 22nd December 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun this month (December 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Rabu, 29 November 2023

November 2023: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraf's school assistance for Suci this month (November 2023) is IDR 175,000 with an additional IDR 100,000 - Photographed by Riche's collection

It's been a while, how have you been all of you? I hope you are in good shape. Today I am going to share one of our happiness that the three children who have received our assistance monthly got their assistance for November 2023. 

Ichikraf's school assistance for Uun this month (November 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche collection

First of all, my apology as I am being late in writing the update on our project. If you are following the Ichikraft project you might notice that I have been busy with my study as I am a student right now. Moreover, I do not have time to write on the other blogs (Ichi's Garden and Ichi's Fusion Recipes). No matter I have the desire to be still active in writing but my time is very tight. Moreover, I am still struggling to manage my studies. This is due to the travel that I have to take to reach campus. I wish I could have a room in my university student housing. Every time I get home, I am pretty tired. Further, a student underestimated me just because I asked this person to study together with me on a particular subject. But for me, it is an old song because I used to it since many years ago when I lived in a tiny village. Well, I am able to stand where I am today because I work on my dream. It took years and until this day I have not used a single cent of money that I inherited from my father. However, I am grateful as I have friends around me who have always supported me. Therefore, I won't give up that easily. 

Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month (November 2023) is IDR 300,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Anyway, forget my issues!✌️on Friday 24 November 2023, my dearest friend Riche, sent me a message that Uun, Suci, and Novi, came to her house. Yeah, I am happy to see them together like this. This time, Riche also apologized for the late update as usually the school assistance is distributed on the 20th of the month. The reason was Riche and her kid got sick. Therefore, there was a delay. But, I am glad that Riche and her child get better because health is an important matter. 

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 24 November 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

As a month before, Novi received IDR 300,000 for her school assistance, while Uun and Suci got IDR 175,000 each. With an additional IDR 100,000 for each to support their families. I do really hope even though the amount of money is small it can be useful to support their study. As for the family support, not much but their family can spend it on something essential for the family such as to buy staple foods. Mainly, I hope these children will never give up on something that they want to do/ desire although people may underestimate their capability. Because this is the foundation to being a tough person and hard to break in order to go further. If we are just like ordinary people then we will end up like many of them, isn't it? Therefore we have to become different from others. And being different is not easy. 

Ichikraft's school assistance for this month has been distributed at Riche's house on 24 November 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you to my friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute the school assistance for these children. After I get into my university and study Master's now, my other dream is that I want to go beyond just working. And this project is one of them. Of course, there is another project that I want to do in the future for instance giving villagers women who live in poverty skills, maybe training so they are able to earn additional money for their family. And I know it is not a piece of cake. That is the reason I still pursue my academics because I want to help others. 

Ichikraft's school assistance for this month has been distributed on 24 November 2023 at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

For you who read our update monthly, thank you so much! Many blessings to all of you!๐Ÿ˜Š Take care!๐Ÿ™‚

Ichikraft's school assistance for this month has been distributed on 24 November 2023) at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Jumat, 27 Oktober 2023

October 2023: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month (October 2023) is IDR 175,000 with an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Hi all of you, how have you been? I hope all of you are in good shape!๐Ÿ˜ŠWelcome back to our update! As always, I wanna share the good news that Novi, Suci, and Uun have received their monthly assistance!

Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month (October 2023) is IDR 300,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

First of all, my apology as I am pretty late in updating this blog as you already know I am busy, not busy but literally superb with my studies. Every day I am tired and exhausted as my class schedules change each week and I have evening classes even though I did not enroll evening class. Yeah, I have to commute to reach my campus, give it 1 hour. I have to change the bus once and then take a tram. Further, I have started having assignments. For me having a bunch of assignments is not a big issue, but my concern is when I need (no choice) to work with a person who wants to stand out among others and doesn't respect how to work as a team. This makes me more tired๐Ÿ˜’let's say it experiences as in the workforce, we encounter the same situation. Forget about it anyway, because I am lucky as I have met new friends and they are nice people so we can support each other!๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun this month (October 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Anyway, last week on 21st October 2023 my dearest friend Riche sent me a message that Suci and Uun came to her house and got their monthly money. And the next day Novi came and received her assistance as well. If you are following Ichikraft, I mentioned that Novi takes an internship for 2 months. And now her internship has finished. She told Riche that she wanted to meet me someday. Oh...dear...that's a very hard wish to fulfill....๐Ÿ˜ข one of my friends also has been saying the same thing many times about visiting his hometown... In another article, I mentioned that some years ago somebody said to me that what I have been doing to help those kids is silly and just to show off. Yet in reality, I do not know those children, and the kids and their families also do not me either. My friends on another hand, also have no idea about my Ichikraft project. When I want to help there is no reason to just do it with the hope Novi, Uun, and Suci are able to change their fate by breaking down the chain of poverty in their family through education. Well, what can I do right now is to do my best at studying, have a great job to earn more money, and travel to visit those kids and best friends. Yeah, now my best friends live in three different countries; Indonesia, Singapore, and Japan. But someday maybe I will travel around the world as now my new friends come from many countries๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜Š

Ichikraft's school assistance was distributed at Riche's house on the 21st and 22nd of October 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Speaking of which, this month Novi got IDR 300,000 for her school assistance while Suci and Uun received IDR 175,000 each. Additionally, each one of them got IDR 100,000 to support their family. My message to Uun, Suci, and Novi has always been the same, "study hard at school, and never give up on whatever you want to be." I am really proud of them as three of them have been working hard to show me their courage.

Ichikraft's school assistance was distributed at Riche's house on the 21st and 22nd of October 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Many thanks to Riche who has always helped me to distribute the money for those children. Thank you for reading this article. 

Ichikraft's school assistance was been distributed at Riche's house on the 21st and 22nd of October 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraf's school assistance was distributed at Riche's house on the 21st and 22nd of October 2023 - photographed by Riche's collection

Have a nice weekend and take care!

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Minggu, 01 Oktober 2023

September 2023, Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month (September 2023) is IDR 300,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Welcome back to our update! It's been a while, how have you been? I hope all of you are sound and safe!๐Ÿค— Today I am going to share one of my happiness with all of you! Indeed, for you who are following our update,  would notice it's about Ichikraft's school assistance!๐Ÿ˜‰

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month (September 2023) is IDR 175,000 with IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

On 22nd September 2023 evening, my dearest Riche sent me a message that Novi, Uun, and Suci, came to her house and finally took their monthly money! I am happy to see it as Uun and Suci looked great, meanwhile, Novi was absent because she took...I do not know how to say it, however, it is more likely an internship. Wow, I feel great with a lot..a lot of hope that after graduating from high school she will manage to find a proper job. Exactly, I want her to continue her studies at university. However, this way it is not as easy as you think if we are born in a poor family. Therefore, one thing that I want to see is that Novi will be able to upgrade her life by finding a job. The key to breaking the cycle of poverty is education. Do you agree? Well, I have a class that is called Development Economics; let's see how to help people who live in poverty. In my view, the first and beyond everything is to give those people an education that is the only reason why I have been working on the Ichikrfat project. Maybe some of you will think, "It is only 3 children, what is a good thing about the Ichikraft project?" Who knows, the future is a mystery!๐Ÿ˜Š

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun this month (September 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

The school assistance for Novi this month is IDR 300,000, while Uun and Suci got IDR 175,000 each. With an additional IDR 100,000 for each one of them to assist their family. As I mentioned before, even though the situation of COVID-19 crisis is over... I want to keep my decision to give support to those children's families. Not much, but I do hope it's helpful. 

Ichikraft's school assistance this month has been distributed at Riche's house on 22nd September 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you for reading my article. I know it's kind of late to give an update because it has been a week since the children received the money. Well, my day is busy as my class has started on Monday. I am still learning and making an adaptation and observing anything about the education system at my university including the tools, assignments, and exams. One example: take-home-exam. I had never heard of it before as I studied until my first university in Indonesia. "Do I need to make a paper and submit it then I sit down at home and have an online exam for 2 hours or more?" What an idiot I am, right, with those questions. Exactly! In the class, as I said, I am still making an adaptation. 

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 22nd September 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 22nd September 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Have a nice weekend for all of you, and take care!✋๐Ÿค—

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Minggu, 03 September 2023

August 2023; Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi (August 23rd, 2023) is IDR 300,000 additional IDR 100,000 to support her family

Hi, how have you been? Welcome back to the Ichikraft Give and Care update. I hope all of you are sound and safe. Today I am going to share one of our happiness which is...Yes, The three children who have received Ichikraft's school assistance took their monthly money last August 2023. 

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci (August 22, 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

First of all, my apology for the late update. A lot of things are going on in my life. First, preparing to move abroad; from Singapore to Brussels. Second, there are still mountain tasks after arriving in Brussels as an International student. I haven't taken a proper rest since arrived in Brussels on 29th August 2023 (Tuesday). Yes, I have been admitted to two Universities in Belgium, and I decided to study at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Meanwhile, Ludwig Maximilians University has rejected my application with the reason my application doesn't meet the requirement regarding the necessary proof of my GPA/ grading scale. Until these days, I have no idea what it means because I had read carefully about all the requirements before applying; the information did not mention how to prove the GPA (maybe I needed to convert it to the German scale). With a 3.7 GPA, I thought it was good enough to apply Master's program in Economics. It's in the past, so it doesn't matter because right now I am looking forward to thriving with VUB!๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿš€

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun (August 22, 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Back to the topic; last August 2023, Novi, Uun, and Suci had gotten their monthly money. On August 22nd, 2023, Uun and Suci came to Riche's house. While Novi has been away she has taken a certain program (similar to internships) which is good for her to gain experience in the workplace. Therefore, the next day on August 23rd, 2023, Novi's mother was the one who visited Riche's house to take Novi's school assistance.

Ichikraft's school assistance was distributed at Riche's house on 22nd and 23rd August 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Novi and Suci received IDR 175,000 each for school assistance with IDR 100,000 each to support their family. On the other hand, Novi got IDR 300,000 for her school assistance with an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family. I hope they work hard on their study and will have a better life in the future. No matter how hard the obstacles they encounter, I hope those children will face them with a lot of courage and never give up on the dream they have.

Ichikraft's school assistance was distributed at Riche's house on the 22nd, and 23rd of August 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance was distributed at Riche's house on the 22nd and 23rd August 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you to my dearest Riche who has always helped me to distribute the money for Novi, Uun, and Suci. Many thanks to all of you who are following our update. Have a good day and take care!✋๐Ÿ™‚

Ichikraft's school assistance was distributed at Riche's house on the 22nd and 23rd, of August 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else in this article without permission

Sabtu, 22 Juli 2023

July 2023: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month (July 2023) is IDR 175,000 with IDR 100,000 to support her family, additionally IDR 100,000 for hard work at school - Photographed by Riche's collection

Hi, welcome back to Ichikraft Give and Care! How are you doing? I hope all of you are in good shape. Today I am going to share one of our happiness this month which is... of course the three children have received their monthly assistance!๐Ÿ™‚

Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month (July 2023) is IDR 300,000 with IDR 100,000 for her good performance at school, an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

On Thursday, July 20, 2023, my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that Uun, Suci, and Novi, came to her house and got their school assistance. Unlike a month before, this month those kids have gotten additional money from us since they have shown their courage to study and work hard on it. Life, maybe tough, but we must keep moving forward to reach the life we want, isn't it? Furthermore, despite all the circumstances they encounter for instance limited access to textbooks, the internet, and having to attend another school to gain more knowledge, or like Novi must help her parent at the crop field, they do their best to make a great record on their school academic performance which make me respect and admire them even more. Therefore, my husband and I decided to give them additional money for their work hard at school.

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun this month (July 2023) is IDR 175,000 additional IDR 100,000 to appreciate her hard work at school and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

As I mentioned above, Novi, Uun, and Suci, each of them has obtained IDR 100,000 for the appreciation of their academic performance. If you are following our update, in the last article I have already written that Novi and Suci got 2nd rank, meanwhile, Uun got 3rd rank. Same as last month, Novi got IDR 300,000 for her school assistance, while Uun and Suci received IDR 175,000 each for school assistance. And IDR 100,000 for each to support their family.

Ichikraft's school assistance this month has been distributed at Riche's house on 20th July, 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20th July 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Many thanks to Riche who has always assisted me to distribute school assistance to these children. I do appreciate Riche works on this project since this is likely a social work or volunteer and no one receives a salary for this kind of work. And I am happy to make an announcement that we have been working on this project for 10 years now!๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿค—  

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20th July 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you for reading my article, take care!✋๐Ÿ™‚

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20th July 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti 
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs without permission

Selasa, 27 Juni 2023

June 2023: Ichikraft's School Assistance has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance this month ( June 2023) for Uun is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Welcome back to Ichikraft Give and Care project. Today I am going to share a piece of great news about those children who have received our assistance besides our update. What is the news? Keep going to read our article!๐Ÿ˜‰

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

First of all, I apologize that the update takes longer to publish this month. The first reason, is I have been busy as you know I will study soon. Secondly, my dearest friend, Riche, also has been busy as she is not only a school headmaster but a mom as well. Her baby boy was hospitalized, therefore she got family matters to take care of first. As a result, Uun, Suci, and Novi, have gotten their school money on June 22nd, 2023, 2 days later than they used to. However, on top of that, I am glad that Riche's child gets better now. In my view, everyone has their own schedule and is busy. Sometimes an unprecedented event occurs without warning and makes us must postpone another thing. But the bottom line is that we are able to make our job done even though we encounter issues in our daily life.

 Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month is IDR 300,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Anyway, last Thursday Riche sent me the news that Uun got ranked 3rd meanwhile Novi and Suci sit on 2nd rank. Wow, I am proud of them, despite the circumstances that have to face they keep motivated in school. I know, that maintaining a high spirit in education matters is challenging if we come from low-income families. My experience was pretty bad when we are talking about it as many people in the village were uneducated, some may be rude and insulted me either verbally or physically because I had a big dream and wanted to study, while others just discouraged me. The worst scenario was my father the only person who supported my dream. I hope these 3 children stay focused on the path to reaching their goal. It is a daunting task and requires massive effort and the journey could become a long way journey. Not easy, however, by the end of the day all the effort will pay off. With good performance in academics like this, those children will be able to apply for a full scholarship from the Indonesian government to study for 4 years at a university to obtain Bachelor's degree. It is their choice and how high motivation they have to break the circle of poverty in their family. 

Ichikraft's school assistance this month ( June 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Through this small project that I manage along with my husband, I do have a big hope that we will able to assist more villager children by giving school assistance monthly in order to break poverty life. I mention many times that education is a passport to get a better life in the future, bringing us from nowhere to somewhere. Furthermore, with the high education we hold, we will be able to help others. That's what I have believed. This is one of the motivations that I penned down in my motivation letter when I applied for my master's program. I know,  for some it doesn't have any relation to helping others with the program study I choose. Yeah, if I send my motivation letter draft to a professional who is top-notch to assess motivation letters, definitely they would reject my idea. However, I believe what I have been doing. I want to go beyond just working; I want to find purpose and be useful. I do not want to tie just only one country which is my original country; if I can learn, apply the knowledge that I obtain, and have the capability to contributing create a better world why not?

Ichikraft's school assistance this month (June 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

My message to the children who have received our assistance is, "Go fight for your future and never give up." Some or many smart and talented villagers' children have a doubt about themselves which makes them drop the dream they have. However, I have seen some fight hard like walk through hell and they survive and have a better life in the present. This means, to keep going, and focus on what to achieve that must in mind; go beyond the limit, and surpass it. Wow, that's heavy, yes it is. 

Ichikraft's school assistance this month ( June 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Same as last month, Novi got IDR 300,000 for her school assistance, while Uun and Suci received IDR 175,000 each for their school assistance. Additionally, IDR 100,000 each to support their family. Yeah, at first this additional money was to support their family due to the COVID-19 situation. But, I decided to keep giving this certain money to these 3 children even though the COVID-19 crisis was "over." The reason? I do not have to have a reason to help others, regardless of race, language, religion, or whatever it is, when I want to help I just help as when we help others it will end up being a good thing for us. That's it. 

Ichikraft's school Assistance for this month (June 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you to Riche, who has always helped me to distribute monthly money for these children. I wish the best for her!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you for reading our update, and have a good day!✋๐Ÿ‘Š

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


Senin, 22 Mei 2023

Ichikraft's School Assistance: May 2023, School assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month (May 2023) is IDR 300,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Hi all of you, how are you today? It's been a while since the last update from Ichikraft's school assistance. Today I am going to share one of our happiness in wonderful May this year that the three children, Uun, Suci, and Novi have received their monthly school assistance!๐Ÿ˜Š

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche house on 21st May 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

This year is a crazy year for us as a mountain of tasks that I have to handle; one of them is to settle down my brother's school before I move to another country to study. It's challenging, however, I am relieved as the new school for my brother is settled. And now, I am still a marathon to prepare and apply for my student visa and the process is painful, yeah I am stressed, but I look through it as the process to becoming successful in the next few years, therefore, I am excited even though it has drained my energy and money.

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun this month (May 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

After came back home yesterday at noon from my travel, I got a message from Riche in the evening that Uun, Suci, and Novi, came and got their monthly money. Same as last month, this month Uun and Suci got IDR 175,000 each, meanwhile Novi received IDR 300,000 for their school assistance. In addition, IDR 100,000 I gave to support their family. In Indonesia, the prices of goods soar and gradually increase. The latest is the price of eggs. Hopefully, our little help will ease the family of three kids burden. Indeed, from my view, IDR 100,000 is not much, however, it is a big help for them. Sometimes, we thought small yet it is bigger than we have expected for some families who live in poverty. It's a lesson for me. Therefore, help others who need help although it's a small thing for example sending a meal for your poor neighbour. Regardless, of race, language, and religion, give your hands to assist others.

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 21st May 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

For Uun, Suci, and Novi, I do hope they have motivated and boosted their spirit to study hard and work hard on whatever dream they have because it is gonna be a long journey to achieve that. And thank you to my dearest Riche who has always given me her hands to distribute these children's money.

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month (May 2023) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 21st May 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you for reading my article and have a nice day!✋๐Ÿ™‚

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 21st May 2023 - Photographed by Riche's collection

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse this photographs anywhere else without permission