
Senin, 21 Juni 2021

June 2021, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


School assistance on June 20, 2021: Uun got IDR 125,000 for her school assistance, and in addition received IDR 100, 000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

Time flies very fast, we did not realize that a new semester will soon begin. The children who get Ichikraft Give and Care assistance has also prepared for a new school. On top of that, we have gotten consecutive good news. 

School assistance has been distributed on June 20, 2021 - Photographed by Riche

Last night my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message, a video, and some pictures of the children who got their school assistance for this month. I was happy to see them are in good shape. Every month, those kids come to Riche's house to take their money so that they are able to buy something to support their school or paying the school tuition. This is the reason why we help them. I do not want children in the village to drop out, marriage at such young age, and living in poverty. I want to break that circle. 

School assistance on June 20, 2021, has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

This month is an amazing month where I got some good news. The first is about my brother's graduation, the second is about Uun and Suci, both of them are also graduate from Elementary school which means they are now preparing a new journey to study at secondary school! I am proud of them!🤗👍 I want my brother to stay at school and so are the children (Uun, Suci, Novi). What I have believed school is important to get a good future. If there are any others people who say that school is not important, what I can say, "Good luck!." In the world where I came from, school is the key to change our life. Therefore, even though Uun and Suci come from a family that has low income, zero facilities, I have a big hope that with a stay in school, study, get a degree, they will able to change their life far better than today. 

School assistance on June 20, 2021: Novi got IDR 175, 000 for her school assistance, and an additional IDR 100, 000 to support her family due to coronavirus situation

For now, in June and July, Uun and Suci, both still get IDR 125,000 each for their school assistance. And IDR 100,000 each to support their family due to the coronavirus situation. Start from August 2021, Uun and Suci will receive IDR 175,000 each for their school assistance since they will be attending secondary school. And for the Covid-19 aid is still the same amount, IDR 100,000 each. 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on June 20, 2021 - Photographed by Riche

Meanwhile, for Novi, this month is the same as another month that she got IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic. But next year, she will attend high school! Of course, her monthly school assistance will increase by about IDR 250,000 (we haven't decided yet).

School assistance on June 20, 2021: Suci received IDR 125, 000 for her school assistance and in addition IDR 100, 000 to support her family during the coronavirus crisis - Photographed by Riche

Another good news is from my friend, Riche, who has received the Covid-19 vaccine as Indonesia's government plans to open schools face to face. In order to do that, all teachers must vaccinate. Believe me, many students miss going back to school, studying in class. In the school that I have known, they have vaccinated its students. Do not think that online school in the remote village is the same as in the modern country. You say home-based learning, yes, if we have computer/ laptop, internet, but in reality, my friend, Riche, with all the teachers in her school has to visit their student's house one by one every day. Therefore, the vaccination program for teachers will help them in the education system. 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on June 20, 2021 - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute school assistance money every month. Stay safe and healthy, stop complaining and do our part in this battle against the Coronavirus.

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission