
Minggu, 22 September 2024

September 2024: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 September 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

First of all, thank you for following our project's update each month. Today I am going to share news which I believe if you have been following our project you easily notice what is it about. Let's check it out!✌️πŸ™‚

Last Friday, in the evening my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that Novi, Uun, and Suci have taken their assistance. I was glad to see their pictures because they looked healthy. On top of that, I believe they have studied hard and content. What does it mean? Well, I am happy to see children from a small village that almost no sufficient support to facilitate their studies such as laptops, and textbooks yet they try their best at school. I am really proud of them!πŸ‘Š Future is a mystery, I want/ hope they are (not only Novi, Suci, and Uun) but to all children who come from villages and low-income families to not give up so easily on their dreams or what they want to be in the future. I know very well, it will encounter obstacles along the way, but if they keep walking and working, eventually they will achieve something.

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 September 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

As I mentioned last month, Uun and Suci attend high school in this new academic year which means their monthly assistance increases from IDR 175,000 to IDR 300,000. And this school assistance will end after they graduate from high school and we will find others who are in elementary school to support them. Indeed, this project was initiatived by my partner and me around a decade ago. When we started it we were aware to achieve the project's goal would take a while. What is the goal? The project is aimed to support children who come from low-income families by giving school assistance monthly hence they can at least hold a high school certificate. By holding the certificate, they can find a job and have income. In the end, this is a small mission to break the cycle of poverty. 

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 September - Photographed by Riche's collection

This September 2024, Novi, Uun, and Suci received IDR 300,000 each for their school assistance. Additionally, each one of them got IDR 100,000 to support their family. It is not much, however, I do hope with this assistance at least they can hang on a little longer to stay at school until get the certificate. 

Thank you for reading the article. And many thanks to Riche. 


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024

August 2024: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed

Welcome back to our monthly update! How have you been, all of you? Hope all of you are doing well. Today I am going to give an update on our project. Briefly, we have been working on this project for more or less 10 years. Therefore, it is not over night project to see the result and we believe on what we have been doing. 

On 20 August 2024, my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that the children visited her house and received their monthly assistance. I am glad the three of them are doing fine and look very well. On top of that, Uun and Suci have graduated from secondary school which means they are entering high school this new academic year (2024/2025). I am proud of them, they are really amazing kids. And I do hope they keep going and work hard on their study and do not give up so easily. 

Indeed, as I mentioned last month I would increase their school assistance starting this month. Hence, for August 2024, each one of them got IDR 300,000 for their school assistance. With IDR 100,000 for each to support their family. If you are following our update each month, you have already noticed that additional money was originally to give a little help to these children families due to the pandemic. However, we decided to keep supporting their family until these days. 

Moreover, I apology, because I am late to give an update each month. If you are following our blog, you know that I have started my Master's program since last year. I have been busy with my school matters. This year is my second year and I do hope it will be going well.πŸ‘Š

Thank you to all of you who read our update. Furthermore, thank you to Riche who has always helped me to distribute school assistance monthly. 

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2024

July 2024: Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed

It's been a while, I hope all of you are doing well! Today I am going to update our project. Yes, we have been working on this project for a decadeπŸ™‚ Indeed, it is not overnight work as it needs commitment. Ok, let's check it out!

On 20 July 2024, my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message. Same as a month before, it is good news because the three children which are Novi, Uun, and Suci have received their monthly assistance from us. In brief, each month those children get school assistance and the amount of money depends on the level of education. To be clear, this school assistance ends when they graduate from high school and we will select another to receive our school assistance. Deep inside, personally, I would like to help them until university, however, this project is funded by our own pocket. But it is possible maybe in the next few years I will be able to give school assistance until a university level. For those who have strong motivation, they will find a way to study at university no matter how hard it is, I believe that. 

Talking about university, I have heard many say they are not able to go to university because of financial issues. However, I have seen many succeeded hold university degrees even though they came from low-income families. Which one is credible, the first statement, or the fact? If I disagree with the first statement, someone might say "Acik, you do not know the situation they encounter." And, if I agree with the second fact, somebody might comment "Acik, they are just lucky can study until university." And, the third case, someone from a low-income family able to enroll at a university, has a big dream, yet does not strong enough to keep going, breaking in the middle of roads. It is likely the same with my research (but my research is not in this field, just similar) when psychology influences the decisions made and what an individual believes. From my point of view, "lucky" is not in my dictionary, and do not wait for luck for you who want to reach your goal/ target, or whatever you want to achieve. Moreover, stay strong, keep going even only step by step, and never give up. And I do really, really hope, these kids focus and work hard to reach whatever they desire for their future. 

This month, I have another good news as two of them, Uun and Suci will attend high school in this new academic year!!✌️🀩 Congratulation, I am really proud of you girls! I hope they keep studying and working hard no matter what happens. 

Speaking of which, this month Novi received IDR 300,000 for her school assistance, while Uun and Suci got IDR 175, 000. Additionally, each one of them received IDR 100,000 to support their family. As Uun and Suci will be attending high school, their monthly assistance will increase next month. 

Thank you for reading our update, and my apology as I give a late update and there is no picture. If I have time I add the pictures. As you may already know I have been busy. Indeed, I am on summer holiday, but not me. Even, I do not have weekends to relax unless I am sick. I still have to work on many things day and night. I also wonder why I keep having a lot of things on my handsπŸ€”πŸ˜… 

Anyway, take care and have a nice day to all of you! bye!πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Š


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions

Kamis, 27 Juni 2024

June 2024: Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance this month (June 2024) has been distributed - Photographed by Riche's collection

It's been a while, how are things going? I hope all of you are doing good! πŸ™‚ Today I am going to share good news that the children who have been receiving our school assistance each month finally received their assistance for June 2024! Let's check it out!😊

On Friday 21 June 2024, my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that Uun, Suci, and Novi, received their money. This June, Uun and Suci got IDR 175,000 each while Novi received IDR 300,000. And IDR 100,000 each to support their family. I am glad to see all of them are in good shape. Moreover, they keep their spirit to work hard on their study.

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month (June 2024) has been distributed - Photographed by Riche's collection

My hope for Uun, Suci, and Novi: generally for all children who come from low-income families, they must believe education is the key to get a better future. Indeed, as I mentioned in the last update, I had seen many of them did not have faith in it. However, learning from my own experience, my father put my faith in education, "education is number one!" And it is not done overnight to achieve something beyond. Looking back at the day, when my father wanted to send me to university, "everyone" opposed  even though that decision did not have any relation to their life. Then my father passed away not long after I graduated from my first university. Everybody blamed me and accused me that I was the reason my father died because my education was costly. They said I was a looser, a village girl who live in imaginary world. Instead of giving up on my dream, I kept walking through those fire. And what I have been doing for years is not to prove they are wrong. What is my motivation? Well, I just want to achieve my dream. I do still remember, my father attended my graduation day long time ago. He had a big smile that I had ever seen since the horrible tragedy attacked him and he lost everything. I can not imagine how big his smile when he can attend my graduation again, here, in an alien world because it's beyond his imagination. Happy father's day! From this story what I am trying to say is that there is a mountain obstacle we will encounter when we build a bridge from scratch. Therefore, I hope those children able to understand that education is the hope to alter their life into a better one. 

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun this month (June 2024) has been distributed - Photographed by Riche's collection

I want to thank Riche for the past 7 years (more or less). It has been invaluable experinces in my journey. I have learned soo much from her. She is an amazing person🀩 and a great role model. And as a friend, I am proud of her!πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Š

Thank you for reading our update, have a nice and bright day!πŸ‘Š

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Minggu, 02 Juni 2024

May 2024: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi (20 May 2024) was IDR 300,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - photographed by Riche

It's been a while, how have you been? I hope all of you are doing fine!😊 Today I would like to give you an update on Ichikraft's project where we have given school assistance for some villagers' children who have strong motivation to study. Total 7 children and since 2017 we have managed only 3 children. I have already mentioned the reason why only 3 children. Alright, let's check out our update!πŸ‘Š

As I mentioned last month, I have been busy since I enrolled Master's programme last year, and still have 1 another year to finish my Master's. However, if I register pre-doctoral track then I will keep staying at the university after graduating for 4 years research.πŸ€” Therefore, my apology if I am late writing Ichikraft's project update. 

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci (20 May 2024) was IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to assist her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Last month, on 20 May 2024, my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that Uun, Suci, and Novi came at her house to take their monthly money. Each month the kids visit Riche's house in order to take their school assistance. Unlike before, Riche visited their house each month, however, since she was pregnant and had a baby, she asked Uun, Suci, and Novi to come and get their money. 

In May 2024, Uun and Suci got IDR 175,000 for their school assistance. Meanwhile, Novi, she received IDR 300,000 for her school assistance. And each one of them got IDR 100,000, this additional money is to support their family. Indeed, it is not much, but I hope they can use that money wisely.

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun (20 May 2024) was IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Many thanks to Riche who has always helped me to distribute school assistance for those kids each month. Moreover, I am really proud of her as Riche also studies for her Master's programme as well!✌️πŸ™‚ She's my amazing friend!! If you are following our update you might remember that Riche walks step by step to get where she is now. After graduated from high school she was not able to study at university. However, she joined a course. Afterward, Riche got a job as a kindergarten teacher. Around 2 years later she enrolled Diploma (in Indonesia there are Diploma 1, Diploma 2, Diploma 3, and Diploma 4). If you enrolled in Diploma 1 means you study for 1 year, when you joined Diploma 2 means you study for 2 years and soon. For someone who has a dream to get a higher education certificate but has financial issues, she/he can work, save money, and join Diploma 1. After finishing Diploma 1, work again and save money, then join Diploma 2, and soon. In another word, there is still a way to get a higher education degree and alter our life into a better one. Step by step Riche worked hard to achieve her dream. And she got her Bachelor's degree around 10 years after graduated from high school (I do not remember much in which year Riche got her Bachelor's degree). While pursuing her degree, Riche created a kindergarten school for low-income families. And now Riche keeps pursuing her academic degree.πŸ‘Š✌️πŸ™‚ Therefore, I do have hope for these children, even though they come from low-income families, it does not mean they can not have a dream. They can become everything they want. And it is not overnight work, it takes years, tremendous work, and it is daunting. I do still remember many years ago when I said that I had a big dream (get a higher degree and help others), someone who was one of my relatives said that I was a crazy girl and lived in a imaginary world. Well, thinking back about it, if I was not that crazy, I would not be able to stand where I am now. Therefore, I believe, education is the key to getting a better life in the future and creating a better world as well.

Thank you for reading our article, see you until our next update!πŸ™‚

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission 

Kamis, 02 Mei 2024

April 2024: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci (April 2024) was IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

It's been a while, how have you been all of you, I hope all of you are doing fine. Today I am going to give an update on our project. Let's check it out!

Ichikraf's school assistance for Novi (April 2024) was IDR 300,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

I know, now it is already May therefore my apology because it is pretty late to give an update here. I am very busy since my second semester began last February. A lot of work that associate with my study. Even I treat my study as work for a company for example when I do not have class and I do not have to go to campus, I start working from 9 AM to 5 PM whether on my assignments or doing something about my study matters. Of course, I work overtime, many times I still work after my dinner. When I have class, after getting home I also still doing something that realate to my study. Working 7 daysπŸ™„, and no holiday for intance last spring break, I devoted my time for my assignment which are research papers. And right now still work on paper, even more busy because I have to prepare for the exam as well. Moreover, I have additional class where I join Dutch class twice a week in the evening. Yeah, I have started my Dutch course since last month. Yeah, that's my routine and I am not allowed to get sickπŸ˜… Many times I feel that I almost have a fever but not there, my whole body in pain, dizzy, and headache. Take paracetamol but not take a rest, sit behind my desk instead. Well, that's my life nowπŸ‘Š
It is the reason why I am pretty late to write an update here, my schedule is tight. There is possibility I will give late update again and I hope you guys can understand. And Thanks a lot for your understanding!

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun was IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Speaking of which, Last month on 20 April 2024, Uun, Suci, and Novi visited Riche's house to get their monthly assistance. Novi got IDR 300,000, meanhile Uun and Suci each one of them received IDR 175,000 for their school assiatnce. Additionally, they got IDR 100,000 for each to support their family. As I mentioned before, the main purpose for this additional money was to support their family during the pandemic, however, I decided to keep giving this additional money to assist their family until today.

I hope those children are able to use the money wisely and they can continue to stay at school, study, and get certificate, at least high school certificate. With that certificate, at least they will be able to get proper job and eventually they will make a progress on their life. With a proper job, they can save money to continue study at a university if they want to pursue it. Indeed, it will not happen overnight, it could take years to fulfill that. For me, to stand where I am today, my partner and I had to save money for 11 years. In my case, I am not the only one who want to study as my brother needs to study even his tuition fee is double as compared to mine. Further, my partner also wants to upgrade his education too. I remember that time, we (my partner and I), we could go holiday abroad such as visiting Japan or maybe go to certain Europe county each year, but we did not do that. I also reatained myself to buy something that many women desire, a branded handbag. Yeah, with my own saving, I could buy one at least, however, I withdrawed all my saving and sold all of my jewelry to send my brother to the best school that he needs.

A part from it, from what I have seen when I stayed in my village, the reason why many still in the poverty loop is because the lack in education. Many villagers' children dropped: many did not finish their elementary school, some managed stay at school until secondary school and high school. Mainly who got into univerty, they were come from rich family. Only a few who come from low income family succeeded study until university level. Because lack in education those children grew up without proper job. Parents would sent their girls to marry earlier. At that era, and do not be surprised, many villagers' girls married before reached 15 years old including my best friend. How about the boys, well, they did actually nothing, wondered around village then eventually married too. As result, parents still supported their children even they were married had children since they were still children or teenegers and were not able to manage their own life. This is special case in my village at the time, many did not believe the importance of education for a better future. Actually there were some families who could support their children to study until university yet those parents did not believe that education was important. As the consequences, those children grew without proper education and kept rely on the parents. Meanwhile, some children who came from low income families and finished university, they became independ, had proper job, and their life changed into a better one. This case is good for case study, isn't it?πŸ™‚

Anyway, thank you to my dearest friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute the money monthly. Many thank also for all of you who read our project. See you on our next update, take care and have a bright day!✌️😊

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Sabtu, 23 Maret 2024

March 2024: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun this month (March 2024) is IDR 175,000 , IDR 100,000 to support her family, and IDR 600,000 for a special event - Photographed by Riche's collection

Hi, welcome back to Ichikraft! How have you been? I hope all of you are in good shape! Today I am going to share my happiness and this month is special and happy for the girls!

Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month (March 2024) is IDR 300,000, IDR 100,000 to support her family, and IDR 600,000 for a special event - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month (March 2024) is IDR 175,000, IDR 100,000 to support her family, and IDR 600,000 for a special event - Photographed by Riche's collection

Well, as I mentioned above this month is different from another month because the girls will soon celebrate their certain festive season. Yeah, this month is Ramadhan where they do a fasting for like a month then they will celebrate Hara Raya (that is what we call in Singapore). Yeah... I miss my time in Singapore because we would send some snacks/ cookies to my neighbours. If you are following my blog, you might notice that I used to send snacks/ cookies before Christmas, Hari Raya, and Chinese New Year. simply to say, I did exchange snacks/ cookies/ cakes with my neighbours in Singapore at those three events each year. It is something that I have learned in Singapore that we call "kampoeng spirit." What is "kampoeng spirit"? No matter your race, your language, and your religion, we are one!😊 Therefore, it is common for us to give or send food to our neighbour, or we share our plant/ flower. So, I am happy too for Novi, Uun, and Suci as they will celebrate Hari Raya!πŸ™‚

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 March 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Same as last month, Uun and Suci got IDR 175,000 for their school assistance, with an additional IDR 100,000 each to support their family. Meanwhile, Novi received IDR 300,000 for her school assistance and IDR 100,000 to assist her family. Moreover, each one of them got an additional IDR 300,000. What is the purpose of this additional assistance? Well, I wish with this money they could buy something (maybe cookies, or meat perhaps) to celebrate Hari Raya with their family.😊 

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 March 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Last month, Novi's father passed away, and it's breaking my heart because I was worried about her. However, I believe she is a strong girl and she will surpass all of the circumstances. I know it is hard because personally, I had those experiences when my father suddenly passed away, and I hadn't had a stable job (only worked for a few months) after graduated. Because of that reason, I had to put away my dream, and taking care of my brother was my priority. Despite all of the difficulties that I encountered, here I am today, I keep on the path to reach my dream.😊 Therefore, I do believe, Novi will overcome her difficulties as well. And I hope those children will grow as strong people and not give up easily no matter what the situation they encounter, today, or tomorrow. 

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 March 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you for reading our update this month. Take care and have a nice weekend!πŸ™‚✌️

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 March 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere without permission

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2024

February 2024: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month (20 February 2024) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Welcome back to our blog! I hope all of you are in good shape! Well, today I am going to give all of you an update about our project. Yeah, I am proud that we have been doing this for a decade! Indeed, it's not significant since only 3 children have received our assistance, but if someone out there is doing something similar, then we, together, create a better world.😊

Ichikraft school assistance for Novi this month (20 February 2024) was IDR 300,000 additional IDR 100,000 and others - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun this month (21 February 2024) was IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to help her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Speaking of which, a lot of going on this February guys... a sad story. First of all, my deep condolences to Novi as her father passed away on Friday (16 February 2024) last week. Indeed, it made me heartbroken because she is only a teenager in high school and her father was gone forever. It must be hard for Novi in this situation. And I sent a message through my dearest friend, Riche, that Novi has to become strong and keep studying until graduation. I encourage her to keep her spirit to finish her studies because I am worried that she will drop out and choose to work to help her mother earn money. If she can graduate and obtain a high school certificate at least, she will be able to find a job. I wish I could do more for her for example sending her to a university so that she will get a Bachelor's degree. Yeah, the most thing that I hate in this world is that when I am hopeless, cannot help more. That's why that day I was upset but it gave me the courage to work harder and harder on my studies and the path I have chosen. For some people, there is a different thing, nothing related between keep study and helping others. Conversely, I believe by holding a higher degree I will be able to help others; I want to become something beyond just working.

Ichikraf's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 and 21 February 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 and 21 February 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

This month Novi and Suci came together to Riche's house to get their school assistance, while Uun came in the next day because she had something to attend. School assistance for Uun and Suci was IDR 175,000 each with an additional IDR 100,000 each to support their family. Meanwhile Novi, she got IDR 300,000 for her school assistance, and IDR 100,000 to support her family.

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20 and 21 February 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Lastly, many thanks to Riche who has always helped me to distribute school assistance monthly. Many thanks to you who are following our update monthly. Have a nice weekend, meanwhile me...I have Sunday homeworkπŸ˜‘

Ichikraf's school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on 20, and 21 February 2024 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Take care!✌️πŸ™‚

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Minggu, 04 Februari 2024

January 2024: Ichikraft's School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance for Uun (January 2024) was IDR 175,000 with an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

It's been a while, welcome back to our blog! I hope all of you who are following our update are safe and sound. Today, I am going to update our school assistance in January 2024!😊✌️

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci (January 2024) was IDR 175,000 with IDR 100,000 to assist her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

First of all, my apology for giving a late update about this project. The three children had already had their school assistance in January. Novi and Suci received their money on 20 January 2024, while Uun was on 22nd January 2024. However, only today I have time to give all of you an update on our project. Well, the reason was that I had been busy for preparing my upcoming exams. Well, my plan was to prepare exams in November, but it did not work as my plan.😞...And finally, last Thursday was my last exam! Now we have a short vacation before the second semester begins. 

Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi (January 2024) was IDR 300,000 an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed in January 2024 at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Speaking of which, on 20 January 2024, Novi and Suci came to Riche's house and got their school assistance. While, Uun came on 22nd January 2024 as she was hospitalized at the clinic. And she is doing fine now. And I am glad to hear it. Novi got IDR 300,000 for her school assistance, meanwhile, Uun and Suci got IDR 175,000 each. With an additional, each one of them received IDR 100,000 to support their family. I do hope the girls do their best at school and fight for their future. They are also my spirit to study hard in this foreign place. Well, in December I had a presentation in a group for one of our subjects. I was nervous and wondered how would it end up because it was my first time doing a presentation in English. However, thinking back about all of the sacrifices that I had made to chase my dream for years, gave me courage: "If I can not do a presentation just in front of my classmates, then I am not qualified to go for Ph.D." Even though it sound crazy, it was my motivation. Therefore, I hope these three children keep strong and grow!πŸ‘ŠπŸ’ͺ

Ichikraft's school has been distributed on January 2024 at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed in January 2024 at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you to my dearest friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute school assistance monthly. And many thanks to you who read our update! Have a nice Saturday night, and take care!😊

Ichikraft's school assistance has been distributed in January 2024 at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission