
Selasa, 27 Juni 2023

June 2023: Ichikraft's School Assistance has Been Distributed


Ichikraft's school assistance this month ( June 2023) for Uun is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 - Photographed by Riche's collection

Welcome back to Ichikraft Give and Care project. Today I am going to share a piece of great news about those children who have received our assistance besides our update. What is the news? Keep going to read our article!😉

Ichikraft's school assistance for Suci this month is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

First of all, I apologize that the update takes longer to publish this month. The first reason, is I have been busy as you know I will study soon. Secondly, my dearest friend, Riche, also has been busy as she is not only a school headmaster but a mom as well. Her baby boy was hospitalized, therefore she got family matters to take care of first. As a result, Uun, Suci, and Novi, have gotten their school money on June 22nd, 2023, 2 days later than they used to. However, on top of that, I am glad that Riche's child gets better now. In my view, everyone has their own schedule and is busy. Sometimes an unprecedented event occurs without warning and makes us must postpone another thing. But the bottom line is that we are able to make our job done even though we encounter issues in our daily life.

 Ichikraft's school assistance for Novi this month is IDR 300,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family - Photographed by Riche's collection

Anyway, last Thursday Riche sent me the news that Uun got ranked 3rd meanwhile Novi and Suci sit on 2nd rank. Wow, I am proud of them, despite the circumstances that have to face they keep motivated in school. I know, that maintaining a high spirit in education matters is challenging if we come from low-income families. My experience was pretty bad when we are talking about it as many people in the village were uneducated, some may be rude and insulted me either verbally or physically because I had a big dream and wanted to study, while others just discouraged me. The worst scenario was my father the only person who supported my dream. I hope these 3 children stay focused on the path to reaching their goal. It is a daunting task and requires massive effort and the journey could become a long way journey. Not easy, however, by the end of the day all the effort will pay off. With good performance in academics like this, those children will be able to apply for a full scholarship from the Indonesian government to study for 4 years at a university to obtain Bachelor's degree. It is their choice and how high motivation they have to break the circle of poverty in their family. 

Ichikraft's school assistance this month ( June 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Through this small project that I manage along with my husband, I do have a big hope that we will able to assist more villager children by giving school assistance monthly in order to break poverty life. I mention many times that education is a passport to get a better life in the future, bringing us from nowhere to somewhere. Furthermore, with the high education we hold, we will be able to help others. That's what I have believed. This is one of the motivations that I penned down in my motivation letter when I applied for my master's program. I know,  for some it doesn't have any relation to helping others with the program study I choose. Yeah, if I send my motivation letter draft to a professional who is top-notch to assess motivation letters, definitely they would reject my idea. However, I believe what I have been doing. I want to go beyond just working; I want to find purpose and be useful. I do not want to tie just only one country which is my original country; if I can learn, apply the knowledge that I obtain, and have the capability to contributing create a better world why not?

Ichikraft's school assistance this month (June 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

My message to the children who have received our assistance is, "Go fight for your future and never give up." Some or many smart and talented villagers' children have a doubt about themselves which makes them drop the dream they have. However, I have seen some fight hard like walk through hell and they survive and have a better life in the present. This means, to keep going, and focus on what to achieve that must in mind; go beyond the limit, and surpass it. Wow, that's heavy, yes it is. 

Ichikraft's school assistance this month ( June 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Same as last month, Novi got IDR 300,000 for her school assistance, while Uun and Suci received IDR 175,000 each for their school assistance. Additionally, IDR 100,000 each to support their family. Yeah, at first this additional money was to support their family due to the COVID-19 situation. But, I decided to keep giving this certain money to these 3 children even though the COVID-19 crisis was "over." The reason? I do not have to have a reason to help others, regardless of race, language, religion, or whatever it is, when I want to help I just help as when we help others it will end up being a good thing for us. That's it. 

Ichikraft's school Assistance for this month (June 2023) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you to Riche, who has always helped me to distribute monthly money for these children. I wish the best for her!🙏🙂

Thank you for reading our update, and have a good day!✋👊

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission