
Kamis, 21 Juli 2022

July 2022, School Assistance Has Been Distributed

School assistance this month (July 2022) for Novi is IDR 300,000 additional IDR 100,000 to support her family and IDR 100,000 reward for her hard work at school - Photographed by Riche's collection

How have you been? Welcome back to Ichikraft Give and Care or Ichikraft Project that has been dedicated to assisting villager children along with another project in our earlier activity. The good news that I am going to share is the three children who have received our help had gotten their monthly money to support school matters.

School assistance this month (July 2022) for Uun is IDR 175,000 additional IDR 100,000 to support her family and IDR 100,000 reward - Photographed by Riche's collection

Last night my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that Uun, Novi, and Suci came to her house and got their assistance. On the 20th of each month, they make a visit to Riche's house in order to get their monthly assistance since Riche has a baby boy. If you are following our update you easily notice that in general, Riche was the one who made a visit to the children's houses. If I were them (Novi, Uun, and Suci), is not be a big deal to coming once a month to Riche's house compared to how meaningful this money is to support the school. I guess that is what is on their mind.

School assistance this month for Suci (July 2022) is IDR 175,000 additional IDR 100,000 and IDR 100,000 reward - Photographed by Riche's collection

Since last month the amount of money that Novi has received increased from IDR 175,000 to IDR 300,000 a month since she is now in high school. I hope she is able to manage the money so that her high school goes smoothly. To be honest, I do not know what is Novi's plan after graduating from high school. As she chose a specific high school (here in Singapore is the same as a polytechnic) my bet is that she wants to get the job as soon as possible after finishing school. Of course, I want her to continue studying at a university, however, without a scholarship, it is hard for her family to cover. As you all may know, there are some considerations when sending children to a university besides tuition fees, for instance, textbooks, money for projects or it could be assignments, cost of living monthly, rent room, regular transportation, seasonal transport, including health insurance when the kid needs a doctor. Lots of things to cover when talking to send children to a university especially a university in another region or island. No wonder, there are a number of children who come from low-income families who stop their studies, mostly only graduating from primary school, and some secondary school. 

School assistance this month (July 2022) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Back in my time, after my father lost his decent job, our family income was at the same level as Novi nowadays. Soon after doomsday for our family, my father started working at a factory as cheaper labor and did so many things in order not only to survive but tried his best to invest so that able sending me to university. I wrote it before in another article that my father made an investment in a business which led me to get school assistance monthly. Furthermore, my father took vantages from his big yards around the house by growing cassava, several fruit trees, and vegetables; and raising hens, ducks, goose, and goats. And my father extended his household income by opening a small business at home making banana and cassava chips when I was about in my second year of high school. Despite all those money income, one key that made my father succeeded building his financial and able to send me to study at a university was that he had never taken installment in anything! Many took installment for instance motorcycle, fridge, washing machine, big TV, appliances, and many other. You could say, we did not have these luxuries at home. Yeah, my father got insult from some people because there was no progress in my father's life until someday many shocked because it was surreal that I moved out not only from my father house and my region but to another island studying at a university. Something that I had learned from my father is that we would rather save money as much as possible for future than spend it on unnecessary things; we have to make priority. Unless we are born in silver spoon, that's different story. Thingking back about this time, there were lots of commitment and unaccounted sacrifices just to push me entering university and got my Bachelor degree. Hopefully, Novi, Uun, and Suci will grow as a strong girls.

School assistance for nthis month (July 2022) has been distributed at Riche's house - photographed by Riche's Collection

Talking about two others children, Uun and Suci got the same amount of money each for their school; IDR 175,000 for each one of them. Supplementary, the three children (Uun, Novi, and Suci) received IDR 100,000 to support their family due to the COVID-19 situation; although the COVID-19 pandemic is getting better but I am willing to continue to assist their families as the prices goes up rapidly or you can say inflation occurs in every countries. As I mentioned in the article before, I supposed give them a reward about IDR 100,000 for each one of them for their hard work at school last month (June 2022). Unfortunately, my friend, Riche, forget about this detail because this is irregular event. Therefore, this month on July 2022, the reaward had already been distrbuted. I wish they feel happy and could use the reaward money to buy something such as cakes to enjoy it with family.😊

School assistance this month (July 2022) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Many thanks to my lovely friend, Riche. Working with me in this project it means I could not offer anything or give her salary monthly yet needs high dedication. And she has this commitment! Thanks!🤗 Also I want to thank you for all of you who read our update monthly.🤩

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house (20 July 2022) - Photographed by Riche's collection


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else wthout permission