
Jumat, 22 Januari 2021

January 2021, school assistance has been distributed

School assistance for Novi in January 2021 is IDR 175.000; an additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the coronavirus crisis - Photographed by Riche

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am grateful that we got through the tumultuous time last year due to the coronavirus situation. I hope the new year will bring hope for all of us. 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house (January 2021) - Photographed by Riche

So, I would like to share good news from us that yesterday afternoon my dearest friend, Riche, sent a message to me about school assistance. She said that the money has been distributed to the 3 children who receive assistance from us monthly. 

School assistance for Suci in January 2021 is IDR 125.000; an additional IDR 100.00; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

If you are following our article then you know that we are trying to help some villager children. Not much, but I do hope our actions will give them a little light in the darkness. Why is that, "darkness"? It means even though they live in poverty, but they could fight for a better future. School is the answer to reach and make a dream come true! For some or many people, at least from the place where I come from, studying at a school and university is not a priority because they think it just wastes money and a degree is useless. However, I disagree with this view based on my own experience in the past and prove to myself that school is important for my future life. Even until this day, I still pursue my academics.

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house (January 2021) - Photographed by Riche

This month is like another month that each of these kids receives assistance based on the school they attend. For instance, elementary school or secondary school. How much they get? Well, Novi got IDR 175.000; for her school assistance and IDR 100.000; for her family during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Uun and Suci received IDR 125.000; each for their school assistance, and an additional IDR 100.00; for each to support their family due to the coronavirus crisis.

School assistance for Uun in January 2021 is IDR 125.000; an additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during coronavirus year - Photographed by Riche

Hopefully, with this little help, these kids endure the situation that they encountered. Believe me, being born and grow up in a poor family is not easy. In the past, I saw my friends ended up drop out and chose to help their families by working in the field or cheaper labor. I wish they had a choice, but they didn't have that privilege. Many of them were smart and talented children that could grow up as doctor or professor. I remember my classmate at an elementary school, he was a talented child. At such a  young age, he could draw and paint like a master. I learned from him how to draw a tree. Unfortunately, he hadn't shown up at a secondary school. Well, it just one of them! 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house ( January 2021) - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who always help me to distribute the money for the kids. I just hope they can reach their dream and have a good future. 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these pictures anywhere else without permission