
Minggu, 26 Desember 2021

December 2021, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Novi's school assistance for this month (December 2021) is IDR 175,000 in addition IDR 100,000 to support her family during the COVID-19 situation - Photographed by Riche

Welcome to Ichikraft Give and Care Project. Today, I am going to share our good news! A few days ago, my friend, Riche, sent me messages that the 3 children who receive school assistance from us had taken their money that day. So, I felt relief.😊

School assistance this month (December 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

I have been busy with soo many things, and this situation would last a little longer. And because of it, I hold to write this news. And today, I have spare time to share my happiness. For me, helping others make me happy. Some people think that to assist other people we have to become wealthy first. But in my book, we can give our hand through soo many things, for instance, sharing (give) foods that you cooked to your neighbor who lives in poverty, helping your neighbor children who are unable to pay courses to study, planting flower plants when the flowers bloom your neighbor can smile because of your plants. It sounds great, isn't it? 

Suci's school assistance this month (December 2021) is IDR 175,000 and in addition, IDR 100,000 to support her family due to the COVID-19 situation - Photographed by Riche

Nowadays, they are unable to come together to Riche's house to take their school assistance. Novi and Suci are still sticking together, meanwhile the other one, Uun, she can not catch up with those two since she attends evening informal school. Moreover, Uun must attend some events in this particular school. While she enrolls in secondary school, Uun is also studying in this evening class. You can imagine, she must be very busy. What I can see in her is that if we feel we are average in academics, then we must pursue and work on another thing that will lead us to get a better future one example she might be become a teacher in this evening school after graduating later. It sounds good, isn't it? I think it is the reason why she takes evening school. Back then when I was her age, I also attended evening school that had been initiated by the local community. Sometimes I had to attend some event until night. However, I chose to pursue my academics which meant my formal education, so I just took a basic knowledge. How about two others, Novi and Suci? Both of them are great in academics. I hope they start to think and make decisions about what they want for their future and have never doubted the ability they have. Sometimes, smart children who live in poverty do not have much support from the environment around them. As a result, they doubt their capability and give up on their dream. That's what I had seen for so many years from primary school to high school. Therefore, I hope these 3 children can embrace the challenge and the hardest part in order to reach a better life in the future. 

School assistance this month (December 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

This month, Novi and Suci came to Riche's house on 20 December 2021 in the evening. Both of them got the same amount of school assistance, IDR 175,000 each and IDR 100,000 each to support their family due to the crisis. Meanwhile, Uun, came in the next day on 21 December 2021 to get her school money. The school assistance she had for this month is IDR 175,000 and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family during this tumultuous situation. 

Uun's school assistance this month (December 2021) is IDR 175,000 and in addition IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my dearest friend, Riche, who help me to distribute the school assistance to these 3 children. I wish the best for her and I am so proud of her. Thank you for reading my article, see you next time. Happy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!🎇✨🎉🎊🖐 Happy Holiday and bye!🙂

School assistance this month (December 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

School assistance this month (December 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

  • Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Selasa, 23 November 2021

November 2021, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


School assistance for Suci this month is IDR 175,000 in addition, IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed Riche's collection

It's been a while since last month when I published Ichikraft Give and Care article. Today is a good day as I had received the good news that school assistance for three children has been distributed. Something that has always made me smile is where I can share my happiness by helping others. That is the spirit of my life since assisting others has become one of my dreams!😍

School assistance for this month (November 21, 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Last Sunday, in the morning I got a message from my dearest friend, Riche, who gives me her hands to distribute school money for three children that have been selected by Riche itself. So, what is the requirement to get Ichikraft Give and Care school assistant; first, they are those who live in poverty. Second is the children who are willing to study in school. That is it! If you walk down in the place where I come from, many children drop out; some is because their household income is in low grade, while others reason no matter their family income is in good grade yet there is no spirit to a get degree. Today, I am only able to assist these 3 children. The school assistance money itself comes from our own pocket which means my household income. Hopefully someday when I hold a higher degree and have an occupation that I want with a great income, I will be able to help more villager children. It is the reason why I am still chasing my other dream to get the highest education. A new life with the same dream!🚀🤞 At the same time, I want to give a good role model for these children to not give up as I was also in the same financial situation as them in the past. 

School assistance for Novi this month (November 21, 2021) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family due to the COVID-19 situation - Photographed by Riche's collection

This month, school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on November 21, 2021. Yes, last Sunday Suci and Novi came to get their money together. Meanwhile, Uun, made a visit to the Riche's house the next day or on 22 November 2021 at evening night. You might wonder why Uun has always come alone these days. The reason is that she attends another school (informal) in the evening. This is something that I admire about Uun; although her academics is not outstanding like two others (Suci and Novi), yet she is good in other things one example sport. I mentioned in another article that she joined volleyball in her primary school and her group won the first prize in the competition. And now, she has determined to get something else. Meanwhile, two others; Novi helps her parent in the field crop and still keep maintenance her academic grades. Suci in another hand, she wanted to learn the English language by joining a tuition class. Sadly, the only teacher who had opened the English tuition class closed down the class after getting married. You see, all of them are good kids, and I am proud of them!🤗🤩👍

School assistance for this month  has been distributed at Riche's house (November 21, 2021) - Photographed by Riche's collection

The amount of money for three children is the same now as all of them attend secondary school. Each got IDR 175,000 for their school assistance. Additionally, each one of them received IDR 100,000 to support their family due to the COVID-19 crisis. Next year, Novi will be going to high school and I am excited about it. However, she hasn't decided yet which high school she chooses. I just want her to continue her study and be able to endure the obstacles she might encounter. 

School assistance for Uun this month (November 22, 2021) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,00 to support her family during the Covid-19 situation - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Many thanks to my lovely friend, Riche, who are always helping me to distribute the school assistance money monthly. She is an amazing person; she is a great teacher who initiative to build her own kindergarten school to provide early education for children who live in poverty. Then now she starts her business as well. I am really proud of her! 🤗🤩👍👍

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house (November 22, 2021) - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you for reading my article, keep your courage, stay safe and keep healthy. Have a peaceful and wonderful day, do not forget to spread happiness! Bye!👊🖐😊

School assistance for this month (November 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

  • Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2021

October 2021, School assistance Has Been Distributed


School assistance for Novi this month (October 20, 2021) is IDR 175,000 and in addition IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche's collection

Welcome back to Ichikraft Give and care. Although Ichikraft shop has been closing since 2020, we commit to assisting Indonesian villager children to reach their dream by giving school assistance monthly. I know what we have been doing is only a small thing, however, I have believed that a small act will lead to a big hope. Today is good news where the school assistance has been collected by the 3 children who have received our help for about 6 or 7 years.

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house (October 20, 2021) - Photographed by Riche's collection

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house (October 20, 2021) - Photographed by Riche's collection

2 days ago, my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that Novi and Suci came to her home and took their money. Meanwhile Uun, yesterday she just got her money as she was probably busy so that she could not come together with others. I heard from Riche that Uun recently has been busy with activities in the community where she must attend an event in the evening. Because of this reason, Uun would come and collect her money the next day after two others. 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house (October 20, 2021) - Photographed by Riche's collection

I admire these 3 children as it reminds me my old time. Despite the difficulty in their life, they have always held achievements either in academics or another thing. In addition, they are willing to work hard on something. Furthermore, they keep their profile low which is a good sign that someday they would become wise and humble adults. I can say this because I have seen many children who live in poverty who often show off and act like they are rich.

School assistance for Suci this month (October 20, 2021) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family due to the COVID-19 situation - Photographed by Riche's collection

The amount of money for this October is the same as before where three of them got IDR 175,000 for the school assistance. In addition, each of them received IDR 100,000 to support their family due to the COVID-19 situation. Since the COVID-19 struck our world, we decided to give support to those children's families even though just a little. As I mentioned above, a small act that we choose could become a big hope for someone else. 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house (October 21,2021) - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thanks to my friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute the school assistance from us.😊
See you in the article next month, stay safe and take care!🖐🙂

School assistance for Uun this month (October 21, 2021) is IDR 175,000. In addition, IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche's collection

  • Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Kamis, 23 September 2021

September 2021, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


Novi's school assistance for this month (September 2021) is IDR 175,000 and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family due to the COVID-19 situation - Photographed by Riche

Hi, welcome back to Ichikraft Give and Care. Although Ichikraft shop has been closed for some time because of some reasons, our social activities where we commit to helping villager children who have a dream it has still run to this day. I am glad about it! And today I have good news that school assistance has been distributed.

School assistance this month (September 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

On September 20, my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that Novi and Suci came to her house and took their school assistance for September 2021. Wait a minute, where is the other one, Uun? On the next day on 20 September evening as Uun attended another thing, therefore, she got her money on 21 September. For this reason, Riche gave me another update on 21 September evening. 

School assistance for September 2021 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

This month is same as the last month. All three children got the same amount of money for their school assistance. As you know, since August 2021, Suci and Uun have started to get IDR 175,000 for their school assistance monthly as they are now in secondary school. Meanwhile, Novi got IDR 175,000. In addition, each one of them received IDR 100,000 to support their family during the pandemic situation.

Suci's school assistance for this month (September 2021) is IDR 175,000 and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed Riche

With this little assist, we hope they could stay in school, study, and work hard on their dream. On top of that, I wish the best for the three of them in the future, I want them able to change their forthcoming life by studying at school. I know, many people from where I came from do not believe what I have believed since I was a child that school is important and has the ability to change our life into a better one even the best one. Well, people are free to choose what they want in the upcoming life (if they know what they wish for). And for me, school is my passport to get a better life, moreover, because of it, I can help other children in the villager today. Someday, when school changes those children's life into good ones, I hope they will give their hand to help another child in the village too to reach their dream just like what I am doing to them now. 

School assistance for this month (September 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Thanks to my friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute the school assistance money every month. Working with her is a big pleasure and I am happy. 🤗

Uun's school assistance for this month (September 2021) is IDR 175,000 and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family due to the coronavirus crisis - Photographed by Riche

Thank you for reading Ichikraft Give and Care article, stay safe, and see you in another article.

September 2021, school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

  • Founder Ichikraft Give and Care: Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographed anywhere else without permission

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2021

August 2021, School Assistance Has Been Distributed

School assistance for Novi this month (August 2021) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family during the COVID-19 situation - Photographed by Riche

It's been a while, how are things going? I hope for everyone who is following Ichikraft Give and Care, have good health, and do not forget to spread happiness and help others wherever you are. Speaking of which, today I am gonna share the good news that the 3 children who have been assisted by us had taken their monthly money. 

School assistance this month (August 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Yesterday night my dearest friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute the school assistance money, sent me a message that the kids came to her house and had taken their monthly money. For you who have followed our article, I believe you knew why the kids have always visited Riche's house each month to take the school assistance. Since Riche got pregnant and now has rising a baby, she made a decision to not travel each month to distribute school assistance money. She used to visit those children's houses in order to give the money directly every month on a specific date. However, since the village road isn't safe which means in bad condition and not safe for a pregnant woman on the road, she decided that those kids must come to her house and take the school assistance money each month. Well, I think it is not a big deal for those kids, because their brother or sister has always accompanied them as we concern about the children's safety. You know, although, it is a tiny village, it is still too dangerous for children to go outside after 6 PM alone and bring some money with them. So, yesterday, Novi and Suci came together with Novi's sister, while Uun came alone with her brother as she needed to attend another event. 

School assistance for Suci this month (August 2021) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

This month is special for Uun and Suci as they are now sit in secondary school. Yes, their journey has just begun at this level. I am proud of them! And it is time to rise their school assistance. Starting in August 2021, their monthly money is upward since there are lots of things they must pay for their study. That's why many children in the village who live in poverty have a small chance to study at school even though they are smart or excellent in school. Why? No one would not offer scholarships even if they have a good academic record. No matter how good we are at school, if we do not have money, we can go to higher education. Yeah, I, myself, experienced all those things in the past. How hard I worked on my study until got a good grade, well what can I say, there was no one from the institution whether our government, our authority, offered a scholarship for me, well at least free for monthly school fee. That was the thing I encountered when studied at schools in the remote village. So, to be successful in the future, break the poverty circle, those 3 children must work hard on their own. Otherwise, that circle will repeat from generation to generation.

 School assistance for this August 2021 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Anyway, how much money did they collect? All three of them got the same amount of money; Uun, Suci, and Novi, each received IDR 175,000 for school assistance and in addition, each got IDR 100,000 to support their family during the pandemic. With this little help, I hope they can find a little hope to continue their study by staying at school. Another thing is even though we give them a little support for their family, at least IDR 100,000 is enough to buy rice each month. 

School assistance for Uun this month (August 2021) is IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family due to the COVID-19 situation - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who helps me to distribute school assistance each month. I wish the best for my dearest friend and her family. Many blessings for her!

School assistance for this August 2021 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Thank you for reading my article, see you next month in the next article! Stay safe and healthy, bye!🖐😊

School assistance for this month on August 2021 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

  • Founder Ichikraft Give and Care: Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


Rabu, 21 Juli 2021

July 2021, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


July 2021, school assistance for Suci is IDR 125,000 and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

It's been a while, how's your day going? We are back at phase 2 in Singapore after recently the daily new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection have risen which means social gathering only 2 people a group, dine-in is not allowed, et cetera. Yes, it's bad news for all of us, however, I could smile when received a message from my friend, Riche, that the school assistance has been distributed!😊

School assistance for July 2021 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Last night my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message and a video that the 3 children who are assisted their school free finally came to Riche's house to take their monthly money. And I am glad that all of them are in good shape and so is their family at home. As you know, Indonesia has battled against the COVID-19 virus very hard since the daily new case is like a rocket and the healthcare is on the edge of collapse. In this situation, give courage to each other is essential, because nowadays, unity is needed. I have always said, stop complaining and talking much or criticize the rule and laws that are related to the COVID-19 crisis. Regardless race, religion, and language, we should help each other, anything you can do to help others just do it in this fight!💪

School assistance for Uun this July 2021 is IDR 125,000 and an additional IDR 100,00 to support her family during coronavirus year - Photographed by Riche

This July is the same as another month where Uun got IDR 125,000 for her school assistance, and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic. While Suci received IDR 125,000 for her school assistance and IDR 100,000 to support her family during this COVID-19 crisis. The last is Novi, she got IDR 175,000 for her school assistance, and IDR 100,000 to support her family during this coronavirus crisis. If you have followed Ichikraft Give and Care for some time, as I mentioned in my article last month that Suci and Uun, both are in secondary school this year. Therefore, start from August 2021, they will be getting IDR 175,000 each for their school assistance. Congratulation, I am proud of you kids!👍

School assistance for this July 2021 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Another thing that we gave was hand sanitizer for the down syndrome dorm (one of the down syndrome schools in Indonesia). The reason why we decided to buy hand sanitizer for them is that they do not have hand sanitizer for the student who stays in the school dorm. Hopefully, with this little help, they are able to use hand sanitizer for more protection since the daily cases in Indonesia spikes day by day. 

School assistance for Novi this July 2021 is IDR 175,000 and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family due to the COVID-19 situation - Photographed by Riche

Despite the situation that we face now (phase 2) in Singapore: many people feel uneasy including me, I literally can smile and feel happy when I saw these 3 kids' pictures last night. Helping them is like my happiness!😊

School assistance this July 2021 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Speaking of which, this July is the 8th anniversary of Ichikraft Give and Care! 😍🤩🌞🌈 My husband and I haven't realized that our journey with Ichikraft Care would come this far! We just do something small to help others especially children in the village who want to stay at school; with the hope that the children who receive our assistance will have a better life in the future through education. What we can do is just do it without any thought. I have always believed that education is able to change our life into better one. Indeed, not become a millionaire but education has the ability to lift us out from poverty. 

Keep in high spirit kids! I am proud of you! School assistance for this month (July 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute the money for these children who need help. Keep your courage, stay vigilant, stay safe. Bye for now!🤗🖐

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Senin, 21 Juni 2021

June 2021, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


School assistance on June 20, 2021: Uun got IDR 125,000 for her school assistance, and in addition received IDR 100, 000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

Time flies very fast, we did not realize that a new semester will soon begin. The children who get Ichikraft Give and Care assistance has also prepared for a new school. On top of that, we have gotten consecutive good news. 

School assistance has been distributed on June 20, 2021 - Photographed by Riche

Last night my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message, a video, and some pictures of the children who got their school assistance for this month. I was happy to see them are in good shape. Every month, those kids come to Riche's house to take their money so that they are able to buy something to support their school or paying the school tuition. This is the reason why we help them. I do not want children in the village to drop out, marriage at such young age, and living in poverty. I want to break that circle. 

School assistance on June 20, 2021, has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

This month is an amazing month where I got some good news. The first is about my brother's graduation, the second is about Uun and Suci, both of them are also graduate from Elementary school which means they are now preparing a new journey to study at secondary school! I am proud of them!🤗👍 I want my brother to stay at school and so are the children (Uun, Suci, Novi). What I have believed school is important to get a good future. If there are any others people who say that school is not important, what I can say, "Good luck!." In the world where I came from, school is the key to change our life. Therefore, even though Uun and Suci come from a family that has low income, zero facilities, I have a big hope that with a stay in school, study, get a degree, they will able to change their life far better than today. 

School assistance on June 20, 2021: Novi got IDR 175, 000 for her school assistance, and an additional IDR 100, 000 to support her family due to coronavirus situation

For now, in June and July, Uun and Suci, both still get IDR 125,000 each for their school assistance. And IDR 100,000 each to support their family due to the coronavirus situation. Start from August 2021, Uun and Suci will receive IDR 175,000 each for their school assistance since they will be attending secondary school. And for the Covid-19 aid is still the same amount, IDR 100,000 each. 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on June 20, 2021 - Photographed by Riche

Meanwhile, for Novi, this month is the same as another month that she got IDR 175,000 and IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic. But next year, she will attend high school! Of course, her monthly school assistance will increase by about IDR 250,000 (we haven't decided yet).

School assistance on June 20, 2021: Suci received IDR 125, 000 for her school assistance and in addition IDR 100, 000 to support her family during the coronavirus crisis - Photographed by Riche

Another good news is from my friend, Riche, who has received the Covid-19 vaccine as Indonesia's government plans to open schools face to face. In order to do that, all teachers must vaccinate. Believe me, many students miss going back to school, studying in class. In the school that I have known, they have vaccinated its students. Do not think that online school in the remote village is the same as in the modern country. You say home-based learning, yes, if we have computer/ laptop, internet, but in reality, my friend, Riche, with all the teachers in her school has to visit their student's house one by one every day. Therefore, the vaccination program for teachers will help them in the education system. 

School assistance has been distributed at Riche's house on June 20, 2021 - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who has always helped me to distribute school assistance money every month. Stay safe and healthy, stop complaining and do our part in this battle against the Coronavirus.

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Jumat, 21 Mei 2021

May 2021, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


School assistance this month (May 2021) for Uun is IDR 125,000 and additional money to support her family during the pandemic is IDR 100, 000 - Photographed by Riche

It's been a while, how you doing? I hope you are in good shape and so is your family. And today we have good news that the 3 children who get school assistance monthly from Ichikraft Give and Care had gotten their money last night. 

School assistance this month (May 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Yesterday night my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message. This message said that Novi, Uun, and Suci, came to her house and got their school assistance for this month. The new semester has just begun, and I hope with this little help they are able to provide what they need to support their study. As you know, they are still on home-based learning which means online school since last year when COVID-19 struck our world. They use almost 70% - 80% of this school assistance to pay for the internet bill. It is crucial due to the coronavirus year when we are talking about the internet to support online learning. Unlike in the big city where everything sounds and easy, for a family who lives in poverty and stays in a remote village, the pandemic is another issue.

School assistance this month (May 2021) for Novi is IDR 175,000  and in addition, IDR 100,000 to support her family due to coronavirus crisis - Photographed by Riche

Just last month when my husband and I watched the news on television when we saw many students in Indonesia dropped out. I felt broken heart even though I didn't know them. During the pandemic, lots of parents lost their job and their household income is zero. Many of them rely on the government hand just to get daily food. The parent could not pay the monthly tuition fee which meant the children must drop out. For me, it's a sad story in this tumultuous time, the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, whatever you can do, help others during this rough time, for instance maybe food, school assistance, clothes, sharing your skill; anything...please help others who need help.

School assistance this month (May 2021) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

This month, Uun and Suci got IDR 125,000 each for their school assistance. And IDR 100,000 each to support their family during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Novi, got IDR 175,000 and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family due to the coronavirus crisis. 

School assistance this month (May 2021) for Suci is IDR 125,000 and an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

This May 2021, we also gave a donation to one of the down syndrome schools in Indonesia. This money was special to provide food and snacks for down syndrome students who live in the school dorms during school holidays. And I am happy when I saw the pictures that they ate properly. Maybe many of you think that meat such as chicken is just your ordinary meal. But you know, this world is big, there are many people out there who can not afford to buy chicken, and for them, chicken is a luxury meal.

School assistance this month has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who always help me to distribute the money for these children. Keep your courage, stay safe and healthy, bye!🙂🖐

May 2021, school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

New article on The Journey of Ichi's Family, Hari Raya in Singapore: Maintain Relationship with Neighbors Through Food. Here is the link


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission