
Sabtu, 21 November 2020

November 2020, School Assistance Has Been Distributed



School assistance for November 2020 to help Uun is IDR 125.000, and IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic- Photographed by Riche

Time flies faster than I thought and didn't realize the year 2020 will end soon. My big question is; what I have done during this year? I know, the world is changing rapidly with this unprecedented crisis. But, as a human being is our nature to survive, right? Embracing the situation and adapting to the changes will lead us to become a strong people. So, hang in there, what I've believed that there is a light after the storm.

School assistance for this month has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Speaking of which, yesterday my dearest friend, Riche, sent a message that the kids, Novi, Uun, and Suci, came to her house and had received their monthly assistance. As you know Ichikraft Give and Care gives school assistance to villager kids who want to school. Like I have said that it is not much, but I hope we could give little help at least buying a school bag, shoes, books, etc. Nowadays, they use most of the money to support the online school. Unlike in modern cities or countries, it more challenging and a lot of effort when we are talking about facilities in the village. Believe me, not only students but the teachers have also struggled in this coronavirus year.

School assistance for November 2020 to help Novi is IDR 175.000, and IDR 100.000; to help her family during the crisis - Photographed by Riche

The amount of money that the kids receive is the same as a month before. Novi, she received IDR 175.000; for her school assistance this month, and an additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic. Meanwhile Uun and Suci, IDR 125.000; each for their school assistance, and also IDR 100.000; each to support their family during the crisis. 

School assistance for this month has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

The Covid-19 crisis struck the economy and education badly in the place where the kids live with their families. Even before the coronavirus year, the family works hard just only to buy food. Sending the kids to school is not the priority because there is no chance for poor children to go to school. In this case, giving additional support during the pandemic will give them hope to get through this situation. Regardless of race, language, and religion, we should help each other. 

School assistance for Suci this month is IDR 125.000, and IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who helps me to distribute the money every month. Without her hands, there is impossible for us to reach these kids. What I hope is always the same wishes; they study hard at school, working hard for their dream, and never give up whatever it takes. 

School assistance for November 2020 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection 
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission