
Selasa, 21 Januari 2020

January 2020 School Assistant Has Been Distributed

The kids that received the school assistant in January 2020 - Photographed by Riche

Hi all of you, how are you today? I hope you are doing fine and so is your family. Today I am gonna share our good news! Yes! The school assistant for January 2020 has been distributed. You are excited to hear about it, aren't you? I also have the same feeling that I am so glad and grateful that we could help others in this life. Especially, I have to help other kids that good at school but they come from poor families. Not much and just some kids, but it's good things in my life.

The school assistant in January 2020 for Uun is IDR 125.000; - Photographed by Riche

Yesterday, my friend, Riche, told me that the kids came to Riche's house and receive their money. As you know, my friend helps me to distribute the money to the kids every month. She visited the kid's house every month before. Since she got pregnant, the kids come over every month to Riche's house and take their money. Yes, my husband and I send the kid's money once every two months. So, where is the money come from? It comes from our money. We save some money from a month's salary to help these kids. I hope they could reach their dream. I know it isn't easy but I believe they are tough kids and will work hard to reach their dream.

The school assistant in January 2020 for Novi is IDR 175.000; - Photographed by Riche

Speaking of which, this month, Novi got IDR 175.000;,  Uun got IDR 125.000;, and Suci got IDR 125.000;. I hope they could use this money wisely. I know, it isn't much but it enough to buy school shoes or a school bag if they need them. But I was surprised when I knew that Suci went to English tuition and paid it with this money. Unfortunately, the tuition was closed. And it's hard when we just come from a small village. Because there are no facilities that enough to make students (from the village) "grow". And the hard thing is most of the villagers are poor families. But I believe these kids will work hard to get a better future. I believe it.

The school assistant in January 2020 for Suci is IDR 125.000; - Photographed by Riche

I am so proud of these kids. You know, even if they are come from poor families and don't have enough facilities to study but they are awesome! Suci for example, she's a top student, she sits in the first place in her class! Others, Novi sits in the second place in her class. And Uun has good at sport. Her volleyball team got first place in the competition. Every kid is special. They have a special talent or good at something. I am so proud! 👍👍

Many thanks to my friend who always help me to distribute the school assistant money for the kids. I hope these kids have the opportunity to study at University and have a good future. Thank you for reading my article. See you in another article and by for now. Founder and Co-Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti.

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Riche
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