
Selasa, 22 Desember 2020

December 2020, school assistance has been distributed

 School assistance for Novi in December 2020 is IDR 175,000, assistance to support her family during the pandemic is IDR 100,000, and appreciation reward for her is IDR 100,000 - Photographed Riche's collection

Hi, all of you, how you doing? Well, I have good news today that I want to share with all of you. What is it? Of course, it is about the monthly school assistance that we gave to the kids. Who's knows, right, we are at the end of the year now and I hope for the best in next following year ahead.

Last night my dearest friend, Riche, sent me a message that the kids came to her house and had taken their money. As you know, since Riche got pregnant and now she has a baby, the kids come over to her house every month to take their school assistance. Unlike before, my friend, Riche, who the one came to the kid's house every month to distribute the money.

School assistance for this month (December 2020) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection 

Unlike a month before, this month is different because my husband and I decided to give them a little reward to the kids. What kind of reward is that? Well, for all of their hard works at school it time for me to cheer them up with a little happiness by giving them additional money, called it an appreciation reward.

In past, I always received a reward from my father when I could show achievement at school. My father asked me, "what do you want?" Whatever I asked he would have taken me to the shop and bought something that I want. Well, typically, I asked for school shoes, however, sometimes I asked for things that unusual such as "executive bag" can't you believe that? When I remember that time I always feel silly 😅 I was in grade 3 at the time. You know what, my father went to the city after work and bought a square brown leather bag, it was an "executive bag" that I wanted. Unfortunately, that "executive bag" had a long size and little big compare to my body that very skinny and hadn't grown tall enough. A few days later my father came back home from work and brought a dark brown "executive bag" with a square size that I could carry. The next day I went to school with that bag and felt proud to carry it even though my friends bullied me because my bag was weird for kids. Of course, it was a weird bag because it supposes an executive employee who will carry this kind of bag with an important document inside, not a 7 years old kid 😂😁 

School assistance for Suci in December 2020 is IDR 125,000, an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic, and IDR 100,000 is an appreciation reward for Suci - Photographed by Riche's collection

Besides giving a reward for my hard work at school, my father also gave me a gift for some occasion events such as when he got a bonus from the company, a birthday gift, and also when the festive season came. Usually for birthday gifts my father just simply asked me what I wanted to buy, and it was the same: school shoes. Meanwhile, a gift for the festive season was always a new dress, basically a beautiful dress. The only one that different was when my father got a bonus; he would buy an expensive gift for me like a necklace.

School assistance for this month (December 2020) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

At the time many people around my father disagreed on how my father treated me by giving a lot of rewards and many gifts. They said I was a "spoil-brat" kid. But, my father kept quiet and silent and hadn't provoked them not even once. After 1995, my father was just the cheapest labor at a factory and couldn't buy a reward or gift for me anymore even the cheaper ones. Then what happened? Believe it or not, I still became one of the best students at school and achieve something that not every student could have. Moreover, I started working at 11 to earn money for bought or paid my school expenses or anything daily life I needed. 

What is the point of the reward in my story? This is what I have believed until today that my father knew I would achieve something at school whether he gave me a reward/ gift or not. I studied hard because I wanted to, not because I would receive a reward/ gift from my father. A reward/ gift that my father gave me was just something to cheer me or I deserved it. One thing that my father taught me was that "school is important for my future life, go get to higher education and become an educated person." That why I had a good academic record, and still pursue my academics until today.

School assistance for Uun in December 2020 is IDR 125,000, an additional IDR 100,000 to support her family during the coronavirus crisis, and IDR 100,000 is an appreciation reward for Uun - Photographed by Riche's collection

We gave a reward for Novi, Uun, and Suci this month is because they deserve it, and I just want to appreciate them for their hard work at school. If you are following Ichikraft Give and Care then you know that Novi also works after school to help her parent at the field sometimes. How about another kid? Like other villager's kids, they are also helping their parents doing household chores. One thing that I admire about them, although they have difficulties in life, they still maintain to achieve something at school without facilities such as a computer, enough books, access internet, et cetera. That the reason why I help them and give school assistance. 

How much the kids got? Novi received IDR 175,000 for her school assistance, IDR 100,000 to support her family during the pandemic, and IDR 100,000 for an appreciation reward. Meanwhile, Uun and Suci, each received IDR 125,000 for their school assistance, IDR 100,000 to support their family during the coronavirus crisis for each, and each got IDR 100,000 for an appreciation reward.

 School assistance for this month (December 2020) has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche's collection

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who always help me to distribute the money for the kids. I hope with this little support these kids can reach their dream and have a better life in the future. "School is the passport to get a better life in the future; will bring us from nothing to something, from nowhere to somewhere."

Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Sabtu, 21 November 2020

November 2020, School Assistance Has Been Distributed



School assistance for November 2020 to help Uun is IDR 125.000, and IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic- Photographed by Riche

Time flies faster than I thought and didn't realize the year 2020 will end soon. My big question is; what I have done during this year? I know, the world is changing rapidly with this unprecedented crisis. But, as a human being is our nature to survive, right? Embracing the situation and adapting to the changes will lead us to become a strong people. So, hang in there, what I've believed that there is a light after the storm.

School assistance for this month has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Speaking of which, yesterday my dearest friend, Riche, sent a message that the kids, Novi, Uun, and Suci, came to her house and had received their monthly assistance. As you know Ichikraft Give and Care gives school assistance to villager kids who want to school. Like I have said that it is not much, but I hope we could give little help at least buying a school bag, shoes, books, etc. Nowadays, they use most of the money to support the online school. Unlike in modern cities or countries, it more challenging and a lot of effort when we are talking about facilities in the village. Believe me, not only students but the teachers have also struggled in this coronavirus year.

School assistance for November 2020 to help Novi is IDR 175.000, and IDR 100.000; to help her family during the crisis - Photographed by Riche

The amount of money that the kids receive is the same as a month before. Novi, she received IDR 175.000; for her school assistance this month, and an additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic. Meanwhile Uun and Suci, IDR 125.000; each for their school assistance, and also IDR 100.000; each to support their family during the crisis. 

School assistance for this month has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

The Covid-19 crisis struck the economy and education badly in the place where the kids live with their families. Even before the coronavirus year, the family works hard just only to buy food. Sending the kids to school is not the priority because there is no chance for poor children to go to school. In this case, giving additional support during the pandemic will give them hope to get through this situation. Regardless of race, language, and religion, we should help each other. 

School assistance for Suci this month is IDR 125.000, and IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

Many thanks to my friend, Riche, who helps me to distribute the money every month. Without her hands, there is impossible for us to reach these kids. What I hope is always the same wishes; they study hard at school, working hard for their dream, and never give up whatever it takes. 

School assistance for November 2020 has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection 
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2020

October 2020, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


October 2020, school assistance for Novi is IDR 175.000; and additional to support her family IDR 100.000; - Photographed by Riche 

October 2020, school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

We have good news and bad news this month. The good news is that the kids had received their school assistance for this month (October 2020). And I am glad they are still in good shape, healthy, and strong to get through this rough crisis. And the bad news is our beloved cat, Ichi, passed away on Thursday at 12 AM last week. She was not only a cat, Ichi gave me a lot of inspiration. So, today is a special article that I would like to write about.

We took this picture in October 2019; Goodbye my girl,  ask the angels for more tuna and toys - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Back then Ichi was a stray cat in our block. I gave stray cats in our block food. Short story, we adopted her before we moved to another flat because someone threw cement on her body; half of Ichi's body covered with cement. That was why we took her in, brought her to the vet, and adopted her. People said it was a fate that we were together. Who would have known that because of her I decided to design cat collars; from cat collar to handmade ribbon flower; I wrote the reason why I create cat collar on my Etsy shop, my Etsy shop name is Ichikraft. Yes, it is named after my cat, Ichi, in Japanese Ichi means number 1; the only cat in the house and of course number 1 in our customer's heart.

Colorful life with her - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Her name will always there; live in our heart and memories - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

It was the time when we worked together - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

We had never known that business idea came from our cat, Ichi. Indeed, it is only a small business, but I am blessed that because of her Ichikraft Give and Care exist today and later. Actually, we are also giving a little help for down syndrome kids in our way. In the name of Ichi spirit I am trying the best I could to do my work and hopefully could still helping the kids until the ends. And I will continue for what I started with Ichi.

Ichi was my supurrvisor - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

On Oct. 15, 2020, Ichi passed away after hospitalized because of kidney failure. Maybe she has gone, but her memories will always live in our hearts. It is hard but we have to let her go. Someone said, "goodbyes are not forever until we meet again."

In memorial of Ichi - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Speaking of which, now we are talking about the kids. Like a month before that, the children received their school assistance at Riche's house. Every month they come together in the evening to take their money. And I am glad that they are in good shape. My message to them is always the same "whatever it takes you must go to school, study, and work hard for your future, and never give up." 

October 2020, school assistance for Suci is IDR 125.000; and additional IDR 100.000; to support  her family - Photographed Riche

October school, school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

This month, Novi, her school assistance is IDR 175.000; and IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Uun and Suci received IDR 125.000; each for their school assistance. And additional IDR 100.000; each to support their family during the Covid-19 situation. Not much, but I hope this our little hand could help them to reach their dream. 

October 2020, school assistance for Uun is IDR 125.000; and additional IDR 100.000; to support her family - Photographed by Riche

October 2020, school assistance has been distributed at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

Thank you to my beautiful friend, Riche, who always help me to distribute the money for the kids. Many thanks for reading my article. 

October 2020, school assistance has been distributed - Photographed Riche

Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection and Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Senin, 21 September 2020

September 2020, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


September 2020, school assistance has been distributed - Photographed by Riche

If you are following Ichikraft Give and Care activities, you must know that since 2015 we are trying to help villager children that are living in poverty. Before it, in 2013-2015, I had tried to provide children books for villager children at 2 different regions/locations. One location was successful, unfortunately suddenly my friend who helped me to set up a small library in his house passed away and I stopped this program. However, I have been trying to help some villagers kids to reach their dream for a better life in the future.

September 2020, school assistance has been distributed - Photographed by Riche

School assistance for Novi this September; IDR 175.000; for her assistance; IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

Might be you are wondering, why I have to write an article for this kind of activity, right? In 2013 or 2014 (I forgot which year) my husband and I asked our local library for books. At the time, they needed to write "the name" of my activities. You know, when people do something donation or helping others, they put their acts in one name. At the point, we just realized that we need " a name" for what we are doing and write articles for it. Indeed, some people do not like it and said that I am showing off something and some others think that I get the benefits. In fact, none of my friends or family knows about our social work, unless they work with me. Writing Ichikraft Give and Care activities, at least once a month, it gains trust between me and my friend who helps me to distribute the money every month and for the family who receives assistance from us. Besides,  we have to be careful with a scam. By reading my article I hope you know that I am a real person, and the kids are also real. Furthermore, I would be grateful if could inspire other people to do the same jobs. Fo me, personally, I would rather do something to help others who need help rather than chit chat on social media. If we are talking about my article, in 2013 some kind of formal organization took disadvantage to me. They use one of my articles to get funds without acknowledging me as its writer. All my articles come from my hard work and writing is a part of works too. After it happened, I deleted its article. So yeah, instead of getting benefits people use my article to make their own profit.

September 2020, school assistance for Suci has been distributed - Photographed by Riche

School assistance for this September; IDR 125.000; for Suci; IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

This month as the month before, the kids come and get the money at Riche's house. Novi received IDR 175.000; for her school assistance, and IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic. Uun and Suci received IDR 125.000; each for their school assistance and IDR 100.000; each to support their family during the pandemic. They use the money to provide online school every month. Again, do not think that online school in a small village as the same in the city or modern country. In the third country, many students are struggling with this situation. There are not only the students, many teachers for example Riche, she is also struggling too. And I am proud of the kids also my dearest friend, Riche.

September 2020, school assistance for Uun has been distributed - Photographed by Riche

School assistance for Uun this September; IDR 125.000 for her school assistance; IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

I hope everyone could become strong in this unprecedented crisis. Helping each other, and do not let your neighbor starving because they lose their jobs or any difficulties life because of the situation. If you could share your knowledge or giving a new skill to other people it would be great; such as giving free courses. Stay safe, we can get through this together 😊👍

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission

Jumat, 21 Agustus 2020

August 2020, School Assistance Has Been Distributed


August 2020, school assistance has been distributed - Photographed by Riche

Today I am going to share the good news with all of you. Yes, school assistance for this August has been distributed. I am happy and glad that the kids received their money. I hope they could continue their "new normal" life and school. Everything changes due to the coronavirus situation, including their school life. Stay strong kids, and hang in there! There is a light after the storm, we can get this through together! Stay focus on your study and future 👍

August 2020, school assistance for Uun is IDR 125.000; additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

Last night, Riche, sent me a message that the kids came to her house. Just like another month before the kids come every month to get their school assistance. Like I mentioned in my article before that these kids always come with her brother or sister. Because it is not safe for them to travel alone in the evening and bring some money with them. Especially in a small village. That's why they are always come together.

August 2020, school assistance for Novi is IDR 175.000; additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

This month, Novi got IDR 175.000; for her school assistance, and additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Suci and Uun got IDR 125.000; each, and additional IDR 100.000; each to support their family during the pandemic. And I am quite happy that they use this money to support their online school. But, do not think their online school is like in the big city or modern country. The students and the teachers must work together to make this "online" school work. 

August 2020, school assistance for Suci is IDR 125.000; additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche

I also amazed by what Riche has been done. She is the principal and also a teacher. In this particular situation, Riche works hard to reach her students because of the coronavirus situation makes her school closed. She and her colleagues must visit their student's homes to provide lessons that should be given in school. It is a fact about online school in a small village. I am proud of you my friend! Do not give up, stay strong! 

Thank you to my friend, Riche, who help me to distribute the money for these kids. Not much, but I hope we could help them a little a bit so that they can breathe a little while. My message to them: do not give up, it doesn't matter where they are come from, school is number one. I believe school will bring someone from nothing to something, from nowhere to somewhere. Who's know, someday they will become a Doctor or professor 😊

Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Riche collection
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permissions

Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

July 2020 School Assistance Has Been Distributed

Novi, Suci, and Uun has received their monthly school assistance in July 2020 at Riche's home - Photographed by Riche

I have good news that the kids have received their school assistance for this month. I am happy to see them even if only a picture! I am relieved that they are in good shape, and so is their family. I always worry about how are they doing due to the pandemic situation. I hope both their school and family can survive and continue " a new normal" life. And this is my article about this news! July 2020 school assistance has been distributed!

July 2020 school assistance for Novi is IDR 175.000, and additional IDR 100.000; to support her family - Photographed by Riche

July 2020 school assistance has been distributed - Photographed by Riche

If you follow my article, you would notice that this school assistance is given every month. This money comes from our own pocket, it means from our monthly salary. Last Monday night, Riche sent me a message that the kids had taken their money. She also gave me some pictures. Like I said in my article before, we give them additional money to support their family during the pandemic situation. I hope by giving support we could help them a little bit. 

This month, Novi received IDR 175.000; for her school assistance and IDR 100.000; to support her family. Uun and Suci received IDR 125.000; each one of them and each received IDR 100.000; to support their family. If you are new to my article maybe you have a question to me, "why Novi received a different amount of the money", well Novi is in Secondary school while Uun and Suci both are still in Elementary school. That's why their school assistance is different.

July 2020 school assistance for Suci is IDR 125.000, and additional IDR 100.000; to support her family - Photographed by Riche

July 2020 school assistance has been distributed - Photographed by Riche

Like you see, they came together at Riche's house like a month before. To be honest, I am happy to see them come together like this. As far I can see they will always support and help each other and become best friends! This is good news for me. Novi and Suci come together and Novi's sister accompanies them, while Uun comes with her brother. I am wondering, their house is quite far from Riche's house, and it is not safe for them to travel alone at evening and bring some money with them. But Riche told me that they always come with Novi's sister and Uun's brother.

During the pandemic, they use the money for their online school. Do not think that an online school in a small village is like in a big city. They are using Whatsapp application to send their school assignments. That's how an online school work in a small village. And Riche told me that the kids use these school assistance to pay their internet. I am glad that I can help them because the internet is not cheap for their family. Like I mentioned in my article before, their household family income is low. For example Novi, her parent income is IDR 200.000; a month. With this income do you think they could pay for the internet? That's why I am glad that we could give them school assistance. 

July 2020 school assistance has been distributed - Photographed by Riche

July 2020 school assistance for Uun is IDR 125.000, and additional IDR 100.000; to support her family - Photographed by Riche

Thank you Riche who always helps me to distribute these school assistance every month. And you have to know that we do not give a salary to Riche, so yes we work with heart and not because of money. Regardless of race, language, and religion, we are doing this to help these kids who want to go to school. We hope they could reach their dream and have a better life in the future. Stay strong kids!

Founder and Co-Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Riche's collection
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
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Minggu, 21 Juni 2020

June 2020, School Assistance Has Been Distributed

School assistance June 2020 has been distributed -  Photographed by Riche collection

Finally, it's June, we are in the middle of the pandemic situation. But, stay positive and be strong, help others if you can. Today, I have good news that school assistance for June 2020 has been distributed. I hope these kids will become a good personality and an educated person someday. It's doesn't matter who you are and where you come from, as long as you work hard for your dream, the dream will come to you. "Always Stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals" - Michelle Obama

June 2020, school assistance for Suci is IDR 125.000; Additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed Riche's collection

Every month, regularly Novi, Uun, and Suci comes to Riche's house to take their money. It looks like they come together in the evening.  Yesterday, June 20th they came and took their money. I am happy to see this moment because I always hope that they could study to get a degree and having a good life in the future.  Education is important and they must go to school. I am trying the best I could to help them, so they still get an education.

June 2020, school assistance for Uun is IDR 125.000; Additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche's collection

This month, Novi received IDR 175.000; Uun received IDR 125.000; Suci received IDR 125.000, But this month is special because we give them additional money to support their family during the pandemic. The additional money is IDR 100.000; each kid. I realized that during the pandemic is a hard time for so many people especially for them whose life in the third country. No one supports the poor family that having household income disruption. That's why we give additional money to support their family.

June 2020, school assistance for Novi is IDR 175.000; Additional IDR 100.000; to support her family during the pandemic - Photographed by Riche's collection

Thank you so much to my friend, Riche, who always help me to distribute the money for these kids. It will be a long way journey for these kids to get and reach their dream. It needs hard work and stays on track to focus on their study. And I am so proud to them, they hard-working kids. I hope many of the villager's kids go to school and study hard like them. Little acts for big hope, Founder and Co-Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed by Riche's collections
  • Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permissions


Minggu, 24 Mei 2020

May 2020, School Assistance Has Been Distributed

May 2020, school assistance for Novi is IDR 175.000; Her family support is IDR 300.000; - Photographed by Riche 

Hi, all of you, how are you today? I hope you are doing fine and so is your family. It sounds quite sad that we are still struggling to fight against the coronavirus situation. But, I hope you have to brave to embrace it, we fight together, and we strong together! And please help each other. And in this article, I am going to share good news from us, YES! school assistance has been distributed! And we are also giving additional assistance to help these kids and their families.

May 2020, school assistance for Suci is IDR 125.000; Her family support is IDR 300.000; - Photographed by Riche

Last Wednesday, May 20, Riche sent a message to me that school assistance for this month has been distributed. She said the kids visited her house and took their money. Yes, this time, Novi, Uun, and Suci, came together at Riche's house. To be honest, I am happy to see them like this, I mean it looks they support each other. I am glad for it! Thanks to Riche who always helps me to distribute the money every month. Without her help, it is impossible for us to reach them. Thank you Riche.

May 2020, school assistance for Uun is IDR 125.000; Her family support is IDR 300.000; - Photographed by Riche

This month, Novi received IDR 175.000; for her school assistance. Additionally, we gave her IDR 300.000; this month to support her family. While Uun and Suci received IDR 125.000; each. We also gave them additional money, IDR 300.000; each, to support their family too. Yes, sometimes we give additional money for these kids for some reason or any specific occasion, especially during the pandemic situation like this. Maybe not much, but I hope it could help them to survive. 

Novi, Uun, and Suci, They received their school assistance and family support at Riche's house - Photographed by Riche

I wish these kids can reach their dream in the future. Sometimes it hard for villagers kids to survive at their school. Believe me, I know how hard it is because I come from a village and had to work since I was 11 to survive at school. I know, the Indonesian government said that school is free, BUT "free" is not as you think. There are many things that need money to support their school. Such as textbooks, a school bag, school shoes, books, uniforms, courses (sometimes school add some courses), money transport, and many others. For the poor family is hard because (for example) like Novi family, her parent monthly income is not enough even for daily need. But, there is always "HOPE", don't lose hope. 

Thank you so much Riche for helping me. Many blessings to you. Thank you, Founder and Co-Founder Ichikraft Give and Care, Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Photographed is Riche's collection
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